Army Tuition Assistance
The Army offers tuition assistance to almost all members of their service including officers, warrant officers, enlisted, reserve and guard members. It provides financial assistance for those servicemembers wanting to pursue their education in their off duty time.
The Army officially announced changes to its TA policy for FY14 that will be effective 1 January 2014. There are three significant changes to the Army's TA policy:

- Soldiers will be eligible for 16 semester hours of TA funded courses each fiscal year,
- to be TA eligible a Soldier must have one year of service after completion of either AIT, OCS BOLC, and
- after completing a bachelor's degre...e, a Soldier must have 10 years of service from his or her BASD or PEBD to receive TA towards a masters degree. All Soldiers, counselors and school POCs will receive an email from GoArmyEd advising them of the policy changes. FAQs will be posted to GoArmyEd to assist in answering questions about the new policies.
The following are the maximum payment amounts allowed under the tuition assistance program.
Tuition assistance will cover up to 100% of tuition and fees not to exceed $250 per semester credit hour, or $166 per quarter credit hour, and no more than $4500 per fiscal year.
A new program has been developed through GoArmyEd that allows active duty servicemembers to apply for tuition assistance as well as register for courses online.
The goal of this program is to reduce wait times at Army Education Centers and make the enrollment process a quicker more efficient experience. The GoArmyEd program works in the following way.
In order to be about to apply for tuition assistance, servicemembers must annually complete and submit a signed TA Statement of Understanding. This form must be signed by the commander for those individuals ranking E-6 or below, E-7 and above may sign their own form.
- Servicemembers must first put in a request for tuition assistance before the start of the course they are planning to take. This can be done at Tuition assistance is granted on a course by course basis.
- The servicemember will then be informed whether or not their tuition assistance was approved and, if not, what they are to do next. If a servicemember wishes to drop or withdraw from a class in the given time period, this must be done through the GoArmyEd program to avoid have to repay tuition fees.
- However, if a servicemember is not able to complete an enrolled course due to military responsibilities they will not be responsible for repayment of the tuition. Receiving a failing grade in a course results in the servicemember having to repay the tuition fee.
- If the servicemember does not see the course they want to participate in because their school of choice does not participate in the online catalog program, they must fill out the TA application online manually and it will be forwarded to an Army Education Counselor for review. This does take extra time so the servicemember should plan accordingly. Notification will be sent via email regarding approval of the TA.
The approval letter received in the email should then be printed out and given directly to the school at time of enrollment.