Very Brief History of the 5 Branches
US Army
The United States Army is the oldest service branch of the military. It was formed in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress with the task of protecting freedom of the thirteen colonies. Up until 1947 the Army remained under the control of the War Department, after which it came under control of the Department of Defense. Starting out small, it has evolved into one of the world's most powerful entities. The Army is the largest of the service branches and charged with the awesome task of protect America’s freedom both at home and abroad, ensuring the safety of our homeland and defending democracy all over the world. They also have the responsibility of providing support to other services to help them complete their missions and support civil authorities in times of emergency. The official definition of the Army’s purpose is to preserve the peace and security and provide the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions and any areas occupied by the United States, support national policies, implement national objectives, overcome any nation’s responsible aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States. Today’s Army is a very high-tech, fast paced, well-oiled machine that has a vast range of opportunities.
US Navy
The Navy serves as the naval warfare branch of the United States Armed Services. It is the seaborne branch of the military. The U.S. Navy has possesses the world’s largest carrier fleet, and is larger in terms of fleet tonnage then the next thirteen of the world’ s navies combine. The United States Navy was established on October 13, 1775 by the Continental Congress creating the Continental Navy. Due to the threat of piracy against American merchant ships, President George Washington passed the Naval Act of 1794 with lead to the creation of the U.S. Navy. The Navy is headed by the Department of the Navy which is headed by a civilian Secretary of the Navy. However, the Department of the Navy is a division of the Department of Defense which is headed by the Secretary of Defense. The mission statement of the United States Navy as stated in the New Recruits Handbook is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. The Navy consists of three principle components: the executive offices, the operation forces (which include the Marine Corps, reservists and in time of war the U.S. Coast Guard), and the shore establishment. Today’s Navy possesses a wide variety of ships, aircraft and equipment. It offers an assortment of high tech jobs as well as many others.
US Marine Corps
The United States Marine Corps was established on November 10, 1775 with the founding of the Continental Marines to engage in ship-to-ship battle, provide security on the countries naval fleets and assist with landing forces. From this point on the Marines have been known as America’s expeditionary force in readiness. They are the soldier of the sea who provide forces and detachments to naval ships and shore operations. All Marines are skilled riflemen regardless of the jobs they perform. Their core values are honor, courage and commitment. Their mission has always been to protect the lives of our citizens and the interest of the nation. The Marines purpose, to be the nation’s rapid response force in all things from humanitarian relief efforts to combat operations on all fronts air, land and sea. The Marines require great dedication and in return offer rewarding careers.
US Coast Guard
The United States Coast Guard was formed as a result of a merger of the Revenue Cutter Service and the United States Life-Saving Service on January 28, 1915. The U.S. Coast Guard has participated in every war from 1790 to the current operation in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Coast Guard has the unique status of being a multi-mission service. It is responsible of two primary missions. The first, maritime law enforcement, in which it has jurisdiction both domestically and internationally. The second as a federal regulatory agency. Previously under the control of the Department of Transportation, the Coast Guard now falls under the control of the Department of Homeland Security but at any time can be transferred by the President to the Department of the Navy, or by the Congress in times of war. The mission of the Coast Guard is to perform three primary roles. The roles include maritime safety, maritime security and maritime stewardship. These roles are broken down further into statutory missions which include, but are not limited to search and rescue, fisheries law enforcement, marine environmental protection, securing ports and waterways, drug interdiction and defense readiness.
US Air Force 
The United States Air Force, which was originally part of the United States Army, became a separate branch of the military on September 18, 1947 as a result of the National Security Act of 1947. The Air Force is the aerial warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces. It is the world’s largest air force as well as one of the most technologically advanced. The purpose of the Air Force is to be organized, trained and equipped primarily for prompt and sustained offensive and defensive air operation. The mission of the Air Force is to fly, fight and win in air, space and cyberspace. It has six distinctive capabilities: Air and Space Superiority, Global Attack, Rapid Global Mobility, Precision Engagement, Information Superiority and Agile Combat Support. The core values of the Air Force are integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do. The Air Force does not only consist of inflight jobs. There are a large number of land based careers to pursue as well.